Gary Sohmers: The Entrepreneur

Gary Sohmers: The Entrepreneur

A new technology was introduced by Gary in 2012. I.M.A.G.E., which stands for “Interactive Meet And Greet Entertainment”, enables celebrities of all types to interact with their fan base worldwide, using the Internet. Gary said the reason he created it is because now, with the use of his invention, fans can purchase merchandise from their favorite talent and can see them autograph their purchase. The patron can even choose to receive a video phone call if they provide a phone number, so they can interact with the celebrity while they’re signing their merchandise.

Gary Sohmers: The EntrepreneurThe technology involves a camera aimed at the talent, and an overhead camera, which is shown as picture-in-picture on the recorded video. When it is all said and done, the customer’s autographed item, and a flash drive containing the footage of the talent signing the merchandise (and if applicable, the recorded video call), are sent to the buyer. They also receive an email with a download of their “Personal Experience”.

Gary is confident his invention will help reduce the amount of forged merchandise sold online, since video proof guarantees the item’s authenticity.

Gary Sohmers: The Entrepreneur